
Befine is a management platform for individual health indicators, which offers consultations and purchases of health services and products. This project is divided into an app for patients and a panel for doctors and others health professionals.


Befine is a management platform for individual health indicators, which offers consultations and purchases of health services and products. This project is divided into an app for patients and a panel for doctors and others health professionals.

The challenge was to create a mobile app for patients to be able to schedule and carry out medical appointments online, and create a web panel for health professionals to manage their medical appointment schedules and carry them out. In addition, also create an administrative web panel to manage users (patients and professionals) and all medical schedules/appointments.
This project required UX research skills to:
1. Define who the persona is
2. How the online medicine market works today
3. Which persona needs are not being met by the current market
4. What opportunities do we have
5. Create a navigation flow (mobile and web) aiming at the usability of our persona.
In UI, the skills allowed me to:
1. Visually implement the created flow (information architecture)
2. Create a style guide based on branding and implement it on screens
3. Create component behaviors and states (buttons, text fields, icons, etc.)
4. Create visual hierarchy on each screen
5. Prototype navigation between screens.
After the first version, MVP, I guided assisted testing with some users:
1. Collect feedback, usability, and readability data
2. Create a report with all the test data to be studied
3. Make necessary and pertinent adjustments to the UI, flow, and prototype.
My responsibilities were:
1. Monitor and validate the design implementation by the development team
2. Weekly meetings with the client to validate the stages of the project
3. With the Tech Lead, manage tasks for the UX/UI design and development team
4. Help the development team to understand and fix the bugs that appeared.
I developed this project as an employee of the company sozei, so the intellectual property of the development belongs to this company.

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